Building & Fire Code Analysis.
Research and identification of appropriate requirements based on each project’s unique situation; code equivalency development; innovative solutions which save time and money in design, construction and operations; development of approaches which integrate the various building systems into a comprehensive fire protection and life safety package.

Due Diligence Surveys.
Confidential investigation of new and existing properties for building and fire code compliance, ADA compliance, investigation of undeveloped sites for fire protection/building code criteria, water supplies and other critical factors affecting site selection.

Negotiations with Authorities Having Jurisdiction.
Technical discussions with building officials to fully explain a project’s unique approach, compliance and alternatives to prescriptive code requirements; acquisition of AHJ approvals for fire and life safety approaches. Egress Analysis. Review of architectural drawings for compliance with the exiting requirements of the building code; detailed exit calculations and diagrams; development of alternative innovative solutions to complex exiting situations.

Fire Code Requirements for Hazardous Materials & Chemicals.
Determination of allowable inventory levels; commodity compatibility and compartmentalization; explosion venting calculations; fire detection and suppression systems design criteria; negotiations with AHJs; inventory control databases; etc.

Codes & Standards Development & Monitoring.
Representation at various model building codes and standards proceedings. Summary reports of changes and actions.

Fire & Life Safety Master Planning & Program Development.
Fire and life safety analysis and survey of facility to determine the conditions of the fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems and distribution of fire hydrants. Our fire and life safety analysis report details the occupancy classification, building construction, existing conditions, code requirements, and an egress analysis to bring the facilities up to current code requirements.

Pre-emergency & Disaster Planning.
Effective pre-emergency plans are necessary in the event of an emergency to prepare your occupants for major building disturbances. Our disaster plans include building/tenant programs, timed egress analysis, evacuation planning, fire alarm system reviews and testing, fire alarm and security system integration and egress diagrams and placards.

Site Investigations
Visit the site to determine existing conditions. Prepare a preliminary report identifying applicable fire protection/life safety and accessibility primary code requirements.

These reports identify some or all of the following:
- Applicable Code/Regulatory Requirements
- Required/Recommended Fire Protection System Improvements
- Use of Existing Fire Protection Equipment
- Budgetary Construction Costs
- Required Permits and Fees for Fire Protection Improvements
- A Proposed Construction Schedule to Complete the Improvements

Code Conflict Resolution
As participants of building and fire code technical committees and members of professional organization strong professional relationships between the numerous building and fire department officials and our staff have been developed. These authorities having jurisdiction play key roles at the city, county and state levels of their jurisdictions. Because our staff has worked closely with these individuals in the codes and standards development process we have earned the reputation for professional approaches to projects while maintaining a client focus. This reputation lends credibility to our technical solutions, allowing us to assemble proposed technical solutions in a fashion that will be easily received and Understood by the AHJs, which will, in turn, facilitate successful and timely resolution of issues and completion of the project.

Design Criteria Development
Establishment of design parameters for fire, sprinkler and/or security systems.

Consultation & Negotiation with Authorities
Our staff also prides itself in its ability to work closely with code enforcing authorities to develop a relationship of trust and professional respect. These professional relationships greatly enhance cooperation and resolution of important matters regarding occupant safety, accessibility, and property protection.

Code Equivalency Documentation
Our expert staff advise clients on design concepts to meet codes, creating design solutions to comply with the intent of fire and safety regulations, researching test data and results for use in field applications, and providing various engineering services for commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental occupancies.

Drawing, Specification, Document Review
Review of drawings, specifications and other document submittals/re submittals of for sprinkler and/or alarm shop drawings, samples, and other information from the contractor for conformance with the design concept and compliance with the contract and/or bid design documents.

From simple routine assignments to highly complex projects, Pyrocop, Inc. delivers client focused solutions.
Fire Investigations
We offer you the choice of a comprehensive detailed report, or when appropriate, an outline of the services performed and a brief synopsis of our results.
Code Consulting
Our staff prides itself in its ability to work closely with code enforcing authorities to develop a relationship of trust and professional respect .
Expert Witness
When selecting a fire expert to represent you or your client's interests, knowledge, experience, and competence are of the utmost importance. With these qualities in mind, we also acknowledge that your particular case is unique and requires thorough review and professional, objective opinions.